Pitch of Claude-Alain Roten, OrphAnalytics' CEO, to the Crypto Valley Association, Zug, Switzerland.
Question: What do you anticipate as the primary costs and revenues streams for your business? [feasibility]
« OrphAnalytics was founded in 2014. Its business is the detection of fraud and crime by comparison of styles by unsupervised machine learning. Our approach, which detects plagiarism like plagiarism detection software, is unrivaled for ghostwriting detection and for writer determination of anonymous letters.
In France for the Gregory murder case, we are the only ones to determine the suspect who writes in the style closest to that of the transcript of the 130 character letter claiming the child's murder. Our analysis of the terrorist messages in the QAnon Corpus is the first to identify two styles and therefore at least two authors. We will soon publish who writes among suspects with the style closest to that used in the QAnon messages. These two examples illustrate to prospects how to determine the writer of an anonymous message. Recently we realized that we are also able to detect accounting fraud by tracking fraudulent changes in numeric entries.
Our first costs were used to develop and validate our stylometric software. Two patents are filed. Currently, our know-how without competition is used for expert reports: 10 reports in 2021. Each new mandate allows us to finance and adapt our artificial intelligence to new needs. Our priority is to offer servers in order to obtain regular revenues. Offering servers for simple cases will lower the cost, sharing the investigation work between the clients and OrphAnalytics, the experts of OrphAnalytics remaining available for complicated cases.
The sectors where our algorithms can be used are diverse, i.e. academia, publishing, investigations, and accounting audits. Others are foreseen: fake news detection or text complexity measurement to follow the GDPR regulation. Therefore we are looking for partners for joint ventures that are looking to extend their offer..»
OrphAnalytics in the Media about QAnon
OrphAnalytics Press Release, 15th of December 2020: QAnon is two different people, machine learning analysis shows.
An algorithm-based stylometric approach provides new evidence to identify the authors of QAnon conspiracy theories. ... Read this press release
OrphAnalytics Stylometry Report, 15th of December 2020: Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time.
An algorithm-based stylometric approach provides new evidence to identify the authors of QAnon conspiracy theories. ... Read this report
VICE, 16.12.2020: QAnon's Mysterious Leader 'Q' Is Actually Multiple People
An analysis of Q’s cryptic posts found there are two distinct authors writing "Q drops," a finding that undermines the entire QAnon belief system. Read this article on the VICE website.
Sonntagsblick, 23.01.2021: Schweizer Start-up hat heisse Spur - Wer steckt hinter QAnon?
Die Verschwörungs-Sekte war beim Kapitol-Sturm vorne mit dabei. Nun entlarven Schweizer Forscher: Ihr Guru wird von zwei Personen gespielt. Read this article in German on the Blick website.
Tages Anzeiger, 22.01.2021: Verschwörungstheoretiker entlarvt Walliser Start-up kommt QAnon auf die Schliche
Eigentlich will Claude-Alain Roten mit Orphanalytics Hochschulen dabei helfen, Trickser zu überführen, die mit Ghostwritern arbeiten. Doch seine automatisierte Textanalyse ist noch für viel Grösseres geeignet. Read this article in German on the Tages Anzeiger website.
L'Illustré, 10.01.2021: De l'affaire Grégory à Sarkozy, la société romande qui débusque les faux
Dis-moi comment tu écris et je te dirai qui tu es. La start-up valaisanne OrphAnalytics a développé un logiciel capable d’identifier l’auteur d’un texte. Les fraudeurs, harceleurs, maîtres chanteurs, complotistes ou «corbeaux» ont du souci à se faire. Read this article in French on the website of L'Illustré.
L'Illustré, 10.01.2021: Affaire Grégory: «On cherche à nous éliminer»
Officiellement reconnue depuis le 23 avril comme experte dans l’enquête sur le meurtre du petit Grégory en 1984, la start-up valaisanne OrphAnalytics, dirigée par Claude-Alain Roten, spécialiste de la stylométrie, se voit brocardée à la suite du dépôt de son rapport qui semble désigner Jacqueline Jacob, grand-tante du bambin, comme principal corbeau. Exclusif. Read this article in French on the website of L'Illustré.